We are currently experiencing one of the worst crises of our time. Fear and despondency are understandable, but prevent ideas for solutions for the future. Now it is important to steer through this crisis in a future-oriented and healthy way, especially as a company. Please stay healthy – as a person and as a business.
HeiReS! Because there’s more in it for you!

We at HeiReS have left you an Easter greeting. But now we have this crisis; and even Easter meant staying at home. So our Easter gifts are still ready for you.
A friend told us, “You are creating so much right now that other people could really benefit from right now. If you don’t share that with others, then that’s basically omitting to help.”
In this difficult time for all of us, we continue to be there for you in partnership. Because responsible stewardship and cohesion is more important now than ever. We will help you safely through the crisis with the following.
Together with our non-profit sister company IT hilft gGmbH, we at HeiReS have implemented something helpful for the common goodWe already did something similar 5 years ago to help during the crisis. Now we are getting involved again to help others.
To help you get through the crisis in good health and cheer, we’ve created a new category on our two social platforms called Corona Help. There’s something for everyone with information that will help you get ahead – personally, professionally and entrepreneurially.
Completely free of charge; without advertising; accessible to everyone; barrier-free; in ten languages and supplemented with explanatory videos set to music; with valuable information, links as well as documents paired with contacts. Use our Easter gift for yourself and spread the word.
Free of charge: Healthy through the crisis with the brand new category “Corona Help” on our social platforms

Our online seminars serve your future security in several ways

We have taken the Corona pandemic as a serious occasion and converted our popular on-site training courses to the virtual classroom for you. This means you can take advantage of our training offerings even during the crisis – without fear and with an eye to the future.
- Future viability through knowledge gain
- Meaningful use of your employees’ unproductive time
- Protect and keep your employees healthy
- Compliance with the measures for the protection of dissemination
- Important topics in the area of IT and UX
- Knowledge transfer from experts with practical experience
- With tangible results for further development
With our crisis-proof services we solve your individual challenges.

UX Design

We design the user experience of your digital products for you, from concept to usability, UI design and implementation.
- UX and Usability according to ISO 9241
- Technology-oriented UI design
- Barrier free design


As .NET experts, we develop software and apps for you professionally and effectively in a partnership process.
- LOB Solutions for Windows with WPF
- Mobile solutions for all platforms
- Accessible UI Development


We also train your employees safely and efficiently in the Virtual Class Room through practical knowledge transfer.
- UX, Usability und UI-Design
- Accessibility in and with IT
- Software and app development

We help you step into the mobile world: phone, tablet, laptop for Windows and with XAMARIN for iOS and Android.

We deliver your key to accessibility in IT solutions by overcoming barriers through technology.

ConDiSys helps you to manage complex digitization projects successfully and cost-efficiently.
We have stood for this for 10 years – as a firm promise to you
Without users, software is useless code. We consistently put users as your customers at the center of the development process.
Consistent needs analysis and project support are our tools for ensuring goal-oriented implementation “to the point” – for your satisfaction.
Giving business solutions something exciting, fresh and innovative may seem difficult. We master this challenge for you.
Whether design or development – we create sustainable added value for you – for the long-term protection of your investments.
Always thinking one step ahead – we develop software that works perfectly today, but also tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

For the mobile world, we develop apps natively or cross-platform in Xamarin for Android, iOS and Windows with device- and user-centric approach.
We design and develop classic desktop applications for Windows clients on .NET basis very successfully thanks to many years of experience.
We develop installation-independent, web-based solutions based on HTML and Javascript and, if necessary, in content management systems.
Our heart beats for design. Therefore, we also like to offer our customers high-quality and contemporary graphic design services.
Making IT solutions usable for people with disabilities is a particular concern in all our projects.
Healthy and protected in full operation for your safe project success

In responsibility for the health of all of us, we have sent our HeiReS employees to the home office as a preventive measure to continue working. This guarantees that we will be there for you productively and reliably during this difficult time. Our employees are protected as much as possible and can also take care of their families in their own time.
- Das Dresdner Büro ist durch unsere Geschäftsführung besetzt.
- Telefonisch sind wir für Sie von 10 bis 15 Uhr erreichbar.
- Unsere Mitarbeiter arbeiten geschützt im Home-Office nahtlos für Sie weiter.
- Wir rufen Ihre Emails täglich ab und antworten zuverlässig binnen 24 Stunden.
Our Wall of Fame
Projects we are proud of and our customers are happy with
With the HeiReS brain power all the best for you.
Request your brainstorming appointment with us now!
If you are blocked in times of crisis and have no more ideas for solutions, then this can threaten the existence of companies.This is where we at HeiReS can help. Because as creatives, we are used to thinking around corners to find solutions. We often use the creative technique brainstorming to generate diverse ideas. With design thinking, we can also find solutions for you that eliminate the problem. Our name says it all: We create solutions – maybe for you, too.

We would be happy to deal with your individual challenges in order to find solution ideas together. A virtual brainstorming session with us can also produce amazing results for you. Please enter your request in the adjacent form together with your contact details. We will get back to you within a short time to see if and how we can help you.