Reference 2022 – BITV Test – Branch IT

Accompanying BITV test for the website of Peggy Reuter-Heinrich

The challenge:
Die Evaluation einer Webseite orientiert sich an vier Grundprinzipien : Wahrnehmbarkeit, Bedienbarkeit, Verständlichkeit und Robustheit. Wichtig ist, dass Inhalte für alle Nutzer wahrnehmbar sind, die Bedienung intuitiv erfolgt, Informationen verständlich aufbereitet wurden und die Technologie robust gegenüber verschiedenen Plattformen und Technologien bleibt. Diese Prüfung gewährleistet eine barrierefreie, benutzerfreundliche und inklusive digitale Umgebung für alle, unabhängig von ihren Fähigkeiten oder Einschränkungen. Die Webseite beinhaltet verschiedene Medien, die natürlich mit verschiedenen Mitteln barrierefrei gestaltet werden müssen.

The benefit for the customer:
The BITV test for this website ensures that it is accessible and user-friendly, which increases user satisfaction. Compliance with the four basic principles increases accessibility for people with disabilities and enables a broader target group. In addition, compliance minimizes legal risks and improves the client’s image of social responsibility. A successful BITV test promotes inclusion, increases customer loyalty, and maximizes the use of the digital platform.

The way there:
The implementation of BITV tests requires several steps. First, the website is analyzed for the current 98 criteria of the BITV. Manual and automated tests as well as screen reader and keyboard tests were performed. This identifies potential barriers for people with disabilities. The results were documented and necessary adjustments were suggested. Finally, the suggested changes were implemented as far as WordPress allows to ensure accessibility. Finally, an accessibility statement was created and linked on the website.

Homepage | Peggy Reuter-Heinrich (



  • BITV analysis of the website
  • Recommendations accompanying development
  • Adjustments according to recommendations
  • Accessibility statement for the website


Technology used:

  • Word
  • Excel
  • Firefox and Edge developer tools
  • WordPress

Interested in a BITV test of your software or website?

We are happy to help!
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