Over 220 pages explore the complex topic of digital accessibility in a light and inspiring way. The book is your perfect companion to successful digital inclusion.
Our valuable content in a nutshell:
- Successful digital inclusion
- Your benefit from accessibility
- Understanding disabilities
- Recognize shared responsibility
- Understanding the 98 BITV rules
- Self-assessment of accessibility
- Implementation of accessibility
- Learn simple language
- Contact person for inclusion
We are thrilled to share this important news with you and are proud to be represented at the 2023 Frankfurt Book Fair!
Let’s work together to rethink and take action to enable digital inclusion for all.
Can also be ordered in bookstores ISBN: 978-3000699269
and here on the website also as accessible PDF oder E-Book.
Buch Barrierefreiheit | Heinrich & Reuter Solutions GmbH (heires.net)