The idea for your own company has been found, but what is the best way to make it known? The logo is usually at the very beginning of a company’s presentation. It often says more than you think. That is why it is important that it is professionally designed.
The visualisation of the founding idea often already leads to the next step, then it is not far to the business stationery and website.
The visualisation of the founding idea often already leads to the next step, then it is not far to the business stationery and website.

What can good design achieve?

- Increasing the recognition value
- Confidence building
- Uniqueness of the company
- Communicating competence
- Increase in requests
What do you really need?
There are many ways to spend money on design. In the beginning, however, you will not need a complete corporate design.
Logo, business card, letterhead, flyer and homepage are the basics, though. It is important to start with just that.
Logo, business card, letterhead, flyer and homepage are the basics, though. It is important to start with just that.

Why does a company need a logo?

A logo represents a company. In the best case, it communicates everything a potential customer needs to know about the company. For example, what values are represented and what knowledge can be expected. Therefore, a clear visual and typographic language is important to make the new company known.
The logo is used everywhere, on products, business cards, advertising material and even on the website.
The logo is used everywhere, on products, business cards, advertising material and even on the website.
Business equipment
Business card is the absolute classic and still essential in networking today to make new contacts and leave a good first impression.
Stationery rounds off the overall appearance.
This is not to be forgotten in business stationery:
Stationery rounds off the overall appearance.
This is not to be forgotten in business stationery:
- Visitenkarte professionell gestaltet und hochwertig gedruckt
- Letterhead in paper form and as a digital template
- Observe standard contents and DIN norms

In this day and age, a website is almost always a must for start-ups; it is considered young and innovative.
The website is much more than a business card on the web. So the question is not whether you should set up your own website, but rather what goals you want to achieve with it and how. The content, the design and the structure are strongly dependent on the target group.
A start-up should also keep this in mind when designing its website:
The website is much more than a business card on the web. So the question is not whether you should set up your own website, but rather what goals you want to achieve with it and how. The content, the design and the structure are strongly dependent on the target group.
A start-up should also keep this in mind when designing its website:
- Good presentation of the business idea
- Ensure responsiveness
- Personal introduction of the entrepreneur
- Latest news and successes
- A clear offer and benefit for customers
- Provide direct contact opportunities
- Professional implementation – with pleasure also with low-cost CMS
- Don’t skimp on domain and hosting expenses