This is how you too can make your digital solutions accessible to everyone

Knowledge about digital accessibility means clear advantages for you:
- Your IT solutions become people-friendly
- Grow your reach, target audience and revenue
- A clear head start for your IT projects and customers
- Becoming an active co-creator of successful inclusion
- Implement digital accessibility in compliance with the law
- Strengthening the image through social responsibility
This book is the perfect everyday companion to successful inclusion. It provides tried and tested suggestions for direct implementation. 220 pages packed with in-depth knowledge, inspiring food for thought and valuable tips.
In keeping with the idea of inclusion, you will receive the book as a barrier-free PDF. An audio book is also in the works, which will round off this book into an all-round accessible product.
Digital accessibility is important for ALL people.
Why actually accessibility?
We spend a lot of time in front of the computer, tablet or mobile phone. There are various reasons for this. Often we work on PCs because we have an office job. Or we use the various platforms for entertainment and information. Therefore, it is important for each of us to deal with the issue of accessibility in IT. This is especially true for those who design and implement IT projects. This is the only way to support disadvantaged people for the common good.
High time to get informed and get involved. This book is aimed at:
- Entrepreneur / Managing Director
- IT Decision Maker / Project Manager
- IT creators (design+development)
- Politician, Minister, Mayor
- Administration / Public sector
- Inclusion Officer
- Educational Institutes
- Affected people of all kinds
- Counsellors and caregivers
- Interest associations
- Non-profit associations
For all those, it should become compulsory reading.
Only in this way can the digital world change at some point.
Inclusion and digital issues are new territory for many people. The author wants to change that with this book. Internet pages, software and apps must also be usable by people with disabilities. In addition to the legal requirements, social responsibility also applies to participation for more humanity. The book shows in detail ideas for implementing and improving one’s own digital solutions – combined with food for thought after each chapter.
Written in simple language, this non-fiction book inspires people to rethink and thus motivates them to take direct action. Take advantage of the knowledge gained from this book and become a pioneer in the field of digital inclusion, which is important for many people. This book is intended to support you as a constant everyday companion in your work towards successful inclusion.
It is intended for entrepreneurs, IT decision-makers, designers, developers, the public sector and elected officials, educational institutes, inclusion officers, associations and societies, and of course for those affected and their families. The author is an IT entrepreneur, UX designer and digital accessibility expert. She passionately shares her knowledge in consultations, seminars and impulse lectures.

You will gain many benefits by reading the book.
- You get a real head start in accessibility knowledge.
- In this way, they create IT products that all people can use.
- You benefit from our experience for your accessible websites.
- They take on social responsibility and help the disadvantaged.
- You give many people the opportunity to use your IT products.
- You will receive high-quality tips on how to implement accessibility.
- They receive treading safety in the BITV and thus remain legally compliant.
- They support disadvantaged people entirely for the common good.
Gain a first insight into the book
The many valuable contents on over 220 pages:
- Successful inclusion through accessibility
- Advantages and benefits of digital inclusion
- Understanding constraints
- Shared responsibility
- The mandatory 98 rules
- Assessing accessibility yourself
- The implementation of accessibility
- Learning easy language
- Direct contact persons
- Creating digital accessibility
With introductory forewords on the topic by Hermann Scherer, Damir Tomicic and Prof. Dr Günter Hellberg
Book information:
Available in bookshops at:
ISBN-10 : 3000699260
ISBN-13 : 978-3000699269
Publication: 31. Juli 2022
Page number: 220
Language: German
© Copyright and Copyright Protection 2022
Author: Peggy Reuter-Heinrich
Publisher: Heinrich & Reuter Solutions GmbH, short HeiReS®
Your path to greater accessibility
1. understand accessibility
To deal with digital accessibility, it is important to be open and sensitive to it. It is about empathy and getting involved with restrictions, barriers and disabilities. The goals are diversity, joint barrier reduction and implementation according to rules. The path to this is the logic chain of successful inclusion. This chain is diversity, participation, accessibility and barrier-free. There is a logical link and mutual condition between each element.
2. responsibility for accessibility
It is important to stand up for people with disabilities and fair participation. People with disabilities should be able to use digital solutions. Inclusion only works when all stakeholders in the process work well together. I will show you how different stakeholders can work together effectively. But it takes more than just reading and talking about it. We need to act – together, hand in hand, with the same goal. The ultimate goal for all of us must be successful inclusion.
3. the implementers of accessibility
Here is a reminder of the main advantages of implementing accessibility. If you adhere to the BITV rules, you offer higher IT quality. With regard to laws and regulations, you are on the safe side with the BITV. You will reach more people and possibly even generate more turnover. So you too can become an implementer of accessibility – whether as an entrepreneur and decision-maker, conceptualiser, writer, designer, developer or tester. Everyone can contribute their part. You can learn here which parts these are in detail and where you can start yourself.
4. learning easy language
Simply learn plain language here and now, because this leads to successful inclusion and better understanding for everyone. The goal is therefore to make more use of plain language, as we do here. This way we support people with language and learning difficulties. But it also helps functional illiterates. These are people who cannot read and write well. It also helps people with reading and spelling difficulties. These people have great difficulty reading and writing.
5. understanding the 98 BITV rules
The BITV is a legally binding requirement and applies just like a law. It describes exactly how digital solutions must be in order to be barrier-free. Four major principles and international innovations apply overarchingly. These principles are then assigned different detailed rules. You will learn each rule of the BITV in detail. This is essential theoretical knowledge. But the practical implementation of this knowledge is the most important thing. As you know, the BITV is called the “Barrier-free Information Technology Ordinance”. It is our law for digital solutions. We as IT creators have to comply with it. Full stop.
6. check accessibility
With this chapter you will learn the practical application of the BITV. It will help you to independently check your digital solutions for accessibility. In essence, it is about applying the rules you have learned. You will get to know tools that will help you with the check. This will save you time and give you a quick overview. You will learn how to carry out a pre-audit and how to accompany IT projects in general. You can thus support project managers, designers, developers and editors with competent advice. You can also use the tools to check web pages yourself and evaluate IT solutions. They are also useful as preparatory work for a full BITV report.
The author Peggy Reuter Heinrich

The author Peggy Reuter-Heinrich is herself an IT entrepreneur, UX designer and accessibility expert. She passionately shares her knowledge in consultations, seminars and lectures.
I have been designing digital products for almost 30 years. My focus is on how people experience such digital solutions. This is what is known as the user experience, or UX. I am in the fortunate position of being able to see and visualise well. The visual is also my professional skill, that’s what sets me apart. With my “good eyes” and my creativity, I create high-quality design solutions. I do this for various digital products such as websites, software, apps or multimedia things. All the more, I also have a social responsibility to ensure fair participation in digitalisation, also for blind people, through accessibility.
In 3 steps with your personal copy towards more accessibility
1. order book
Select your preferred provider. Please fill out the form completely. After ordering, we will send you the book within a few days. You will also receive information on the PDF download.
2. read the book
Read the easily formulated book as an everyday companion. Let it inspire you to rethink. In addition to the wealth of important information, each chapter contains tips and suggestions for direct action.
3. apply knowledge
Use the knowledge you have gained in your everyday life. Check your website for accessibility or write in plain language yourself. In this way, you become a co-creator of successful inclusion.