UI Redesign – From Oll to Doll!

In interface design, redesign refers to the revision and redesign of interfaces, in our case specifically the user interface of computer programmes. This redesign takes place both in the operating structure and in the interface design of the programme.

Why do you redesign a programme?

  • Increase usability and effectiveness of operation for the user
  • Increasing product sales through greater attractiveness
  • New possibilities in the course of technical revision and expansion of functions

How does a redesign work for us?

Phase 1: Improve usability

  • Analysis of the existing programme and the task
  • Tidy up, create space, restructure
  • Build interaction prototypes
  • Implementation of dialogue principles according to usability ISO 9241 – 110
  • Involve users through tests
  • Supporting use through design

Phase 2: Designing the user interface

  • Define the objective of the redesign
  • Create different basic designs
  • Designing a control set as a construction kit for the UI
  • Develop sample pages, templates and layout grids
  • Writing a technical style guide
  • Implementation of the elements and screens as markup language (XAML and HTML)

Example of a UI redesign




You like what you see and want a redesign for your programme!