Accessibility and the BITV

Our audio event “Talks about digital inclusion” is entering the next round. The topic this time is accessibility and the BITV. ChatGPT will ask our 4 experts the questions in a very modern way. They will then answer the questions with heart and mind. Be there live, listen in and have a say.
Let’s prove together that humanity can do more than artificial intelligence!
This LinkedIn audio event will take place on 03/21/2023 at 13:00.
The host and moderator is Peggy Reuter-Heinrich, herself an expert in digital accessibility. She has invited other experts as guests to talk to them about the socially important topic of “accessibility and the BITV”.
Be there. Feel free to ask questions, tell us your opinion or share your experiences. Let’s start a conversation and talk together about digital inclusion, accessibility and the BITV.
Do you have any suggestions or requests? Feel free to share them with us in the comments or via DM.
The audio event is part of a series. If you can’t, just follow us for more events.