Discover the 3rd LinkedIn course by Peggy Reuter-Heinrich: Digital Accessibility Criteria: BITV and WCAG Explained Simply
The Barrier-Free Information Technology Ordinance (BITV) pursues the important goal of giving everyone equal access to digital solutions. But unfortunately, few of us know the exact regulations of the BITV and therefore unintentionally exclude people with disabilities from digital participation.
But here comes our solution: In this course, the 98 BITV rules will be explained to you step by step. Our accessibility expert, Peggy Reuter-Heinrich, makes it easy to understand. Best of all, the download materials for this course include a handy fact sheet with all 98 BITV rules.
Whether you’re a programmer, project manager, UX designer, or quality manager, this course will help you understand what requirements your IT solutions must meet to be digitally accessible.
Expand your knowledge and help create a more inclusive digital world!
Go directly to the audio course Criteria of digital accessibility: BITV and WCAG simply explained:
Digitale Lösungen ohne Barrieren schaffen (linkedin.com)