Mobile UI design – for more chic apps

Mobile UI design is a fusion of the usability and the design of the app. In app design, various parameters must be adhered to, which depend, for example, on the type of device, the operating system and, of course, the company’s image.

Why is a specific UI design important?

The same principle that applies to desktop applications also applies to mobile applications. The user interface is the link between man and machine. The aim is for the human to control the machine as effectively as possible, with the machine providing feedback to make it easier for the human to make decisions.
The simpler this works, the better. Therefore, the user interface should be as intuitive and efficient as possible.
As already mentioned, this includes both usability and design. Without an appealing design and with poor usability, no one will want to use the app. In the case of mobile apps, user enthusiasm about the design factor is even more important, because otherwise apps in particular will be deleted again very quickly.

How is a UI design for an app created?

  • Investigation of the usage environment (trends in app design, different technologies iOS and Android)
  • Know the requirements of the customer and the users
  • Open up operation through simple interaction prototype to define the functions
  • Use of the controls according to the platform guidelines
  • If necessary, work out variants for smartphone and tablet
  • Adapt design to prototypes – not vice versa
  • It doesn’t have to be too complex, simpler is often better
  • Review of the work by potential users
  • Followed by good visualisation via App Store and Google Play

Example of a mobile UI design we created




You like what you see and want the same for your mobile project!